Sunday, June 18, 2006

A come back?

Hi, Helia Melonowski here. The REAL Helia Melonowski, the true blue balloon girl from a few years back and authoress of a slew of stories at You can also view my minimalist new site at I can't promise I will expose as much of myself as before. Got into some pretty weird situations doing that. Maybe I will EXPAND upon that some other time.

For now I want to say hello to my friends INFLATE123, Tigeras, FreddyD, Ronnie and Chief Hoot.

More soon...


Blogger Tigarr said...

Aww.. *blush* make me feel all important and such.. ;)

since you said hi to me (each of us).. time to throw out a big "HI!" back. :)

11:30 AM  
Blogger Tigarr said...

oh... heh, forgot to mention (for those confused).. I dropped the Tigeras nick a while back... people had difficulty pronouncing it (go figure.. :P ) so made it to what it originally was.

For those who are still scratching their heads... I used to write stories with friends some (oh gawd..that long?!) almost 18 years back (back in the day when Commodore 64's ruled and there was no internet.. just something called Q-Link and 1200 baud modems were the fastest on the planet... :P ) anyhow, Tigarr was one of my characters and in time he 'evolved' into Tigeras... but long story short (too late.. :P )

11:32 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

So happy to see you back around, my dear. :)

12:46 AM  
Blogger Helia A Melonowski said...

Fredd-eeeeee! Hiya! Glad to see the main bunch of my best friends are still around out there. Missed ya!

7:13 PM  
Blogger BalloonPrincess said...

Hello there! I'm one of your long time fans who has stayed quiet ... or you might remember me as the PlastiCat from days gone by. Anyways, it's so nice to see you back and around once more. Though, like LLCoolJ said in his song, "Momma Gonna Knock You Out!", "Don't call it a come back ... I have been here for years ... !"

Either way, it's good to hear from you again! :)

Princess Loonia Infinity
The Balloon Princess

7:41 AM  

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