Sunday, July 09, 2006

Why I kinda bowed out of the BE spotlight

Some people that email me and mention stuff about the old days back when I was part of the big BE crowd, asking questions of why I don't have a big site anymore, asking why I am not pumping out stories like I used to...well, here's my official answer.

No major reason and some minor reasons.

Back in the heyday, when I was seriously deep into the online BE craze (and seeming like one of the only females who admitted to the fetish), I was just that...deep deep into the online scene and living the BE girl life...balloon girl, that is. I spent almost every waking moment either online or thinking about it, or writing about it, or corresponding about it. I got to a point where, though I was blowing up with air and helium in most of my stories, I wasn't getting out to breathe the real air and living outside the Net. I needed to detach myself a little, and thus, like a giant balloon uncorked, I blew away a little.

Another reason was I was getting harrassed a bit, and it bothered me. Yeah, I know I ask for it, but I have met a slew of great people sharing stories and fantasies, but its the trouble-makers that ruin it for everyone. A few scared me off, I ran (cradling my "girls" so I wouldn't get black eyes or a concussion) and, again, I blew away a little bit.

I still like to write BE fantasy stories. I still like to make believe I am a Balloon Girl. I still like to get stories from friends and fans, and still like the occasional spotlight and attention.

I haven't given up the Helia moniker yet...just enjoying the fresh air and real life a bit more...which can be stranger than fiction anyway for li'l ole me...more on that later.


Blogger Tigarr said...

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1:59 AM  
Blogger Tigarr said...

(blah... why couldn't they have it so you can edit it (if you forget to post / add something...gah...)) :D

anyhow, my original comment was: I agree with Chief Hoot, it is always good to hear from you. :)

it makes my day brighter and "perkier" when I hear from close friends.. :)

2:02 AM  
Blogger Tigarr said...

I too have sort of bowed out of the BE spotlight (as far as stories go)... I began to feel repetitive - no new flows of ideas.. even doubt my own works. (how many people I wonder even remember my stories back when I wrote them under the alias of Hawke? :D )

Maybe also is when I never had any feedback in 1 form or another so I wasn't sure if people liked them, didn't like them... were even reading them... but it was always "got to think of something for another story. Maybe a sequel or something"... there was nothing 'fun' to it anymore and it was more of a job than something I enjoyed doing. I also felt the need to "get some air" - even if it meant going out and taking in a movie.. just get away from the computer for a day or so.

a bit burned out I suppose. Oh sure, from time to time I write the occassional story for myself and if a friend would like to have one done, I'd see if my muse could come up with one for them - but it went back to being something for enjoyment and fun again... it's on a more personal level with it being a story tailor made for someone - but that suits me fine. :)

2:09 AM  
Blogger Tigarr said...

oh, and speaking of getting back into 'real life' - the invitations I e-mailed you still stand... :)

Course, Universal's HHN tends to sell out quickly. :) *blush*

9:25 AM  

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