Sunday, August 06, 2006

Things I like to do

Someone asked me what kind of things I like to do. (Sorry if I don't write WHO the person was...I lost the email on the person who asked the specific...sorry.)

During nice weather months I looove going to the lake or the "big" lake (Lake Erie) and the beach. I am a water-person so it seems because I am mesmerized by water, waves, listening to the waves crash to shore, the lapping sound of the waves aganst the beachshore. I could sit there for hours, on a big beach towel or blanket, and look at the sparkling water and the rolling waves. I also like swimming and laying out under the hot sun and getting bronzed/honey-brown.

I also like hiking through the woods or forest, or nearby woodsy park, or along a rivers edge or along the lakeshore.

I like being outside, taking deep breaths of fresh air, enjoying the chirping birds and the flitter of the leafs in the trees on a breezy day, watching a storm come in, listening to the rain on the rooftop, feeling a warm rain against my face.

The indoorzy things I like are cuddled up under a blanket and watching tv or movies. Cooking for that special guy. Reading a book in bed (if there isn't anything else interesting to do), and just lounging around being lazy.

I enjoy dancing, though I do more free-style. I would like to learn Salsa and such. (Hi Chief!) I like being out in crowds, people watching.

My favorite alcoholic drink is wine...White Zinfandel. It makes me all floaty feeling and warm inside...and makes me get my freak on. :) (Too much puts me to sleep eventually...hahahaha)


Blogger Tigarr said...

heh.. it's ok Helia... :) I asked you that in e-mail. :)

I have other kinds of waves I could listen to (if I get the time to go) :) where the Atlantic hits the beach here in Florida. :)

Remind me to take you to Hanna Park - state park here - walking / bicycle trails, picnic areas, beach access - very nice. :)

3:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I was in the Navy and being alone in the middle of the Ocean is so peaceful at night.

1:58 PM  

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