Tuesday, August 22, 2006

When in BE mode Part 2

The top 5 stories that I enjoy the most, that I have written (versus fans and friends-written tales) are:

1. The Big Babysitter - I actually sat for people like the ones in the story. Some of the ideas expressed in the story had actually happened...like the kids feeding me all sorts of stuff...and being little devious critters. :)

2. Mushroom Mushrooms Everywhere - I wrote this one, re-wrote it, lost it, then re-wrote it again and finally posted it at LADYBUMPS. I always liked the idea of magical food enhancing me. I love mushrooms so, what better "food" to make me a big girl than mushrooms.

3. Witch Cookies - again, another story taken from a real life experience or a real setting. Three old women actually lived at the corner house. They used to creep out us kids when we were little and we always called them the 3 witches. They were actually quite nice once we got to know them and were always feeding us really yummy home-made cookies. I recall their buttery peanut butter cookies being the best.

4. Night Out Again - I like stories where I put myself out in the public and then start ballooning. You will see there seem to be a lot of stories written where I am at a mall or night club or restaurant, fattening up for all to see. I love these types of stories.

5. The Royal Milk and Heliam the Nursemaid stories - ye olde fantasy settings with a ballooning young maiden. What else could you ask for?

You read these and others at LADYBUMPS. Look under HELIA or go to the link in my very first BLOG.


Blogger Tigarr said...

yep, I've read each of them.. the mushrooms one I wasn't aware of until I stumbled upon it at Ladybumps. :) very good story :>

hmmm... now why couldn't I have you babysit like in that first story? hmm, maybe because I'm a bit too old to be babysat? :D

10:21 AM  
Blogger Undercover Black Man said...

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6:03 PM  
Blogger Helia A Melonowski said...

Er, uh, thanks Organic Milk. *scratching head* :)

3:49 AM  

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