Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bumpers for elbows and the Gym

I went to a gym on a guest pass with a girl friend of mine. Got into what they called a BUMP-N-SLIDE class, like a aerobics class on steroids. Even with a bra, a tight t-shirt and a looser but still fairly snug tank tee over that, I was bouncing and behavin' all over. Though it held up, I am sure there are some stress fractures in the straps of my poor brassiere. We also spent some time hitting some of the weight machines. It is always kind of funny the looks I get on machines like the bench lift/press (whatever you call it) and the rowing machine. The place was pretty packed...obviously people are still holding to their new years resolution so far...and I actually took a few jabs to the boobs trying to either squeeze my way between people or simply getting off on the wrong side of the machine and catching a upper cut as the person next to me was lifting. UNGH! Sometimes its rough having so much frontage.

And I hope the fellas liked the hi-beams burn bright when they get such a jostle of activity... :)


Blogger Tigarr said...

*cringes* new year's resolutions? err.. I've tried to stick to mine (ok, so far, I've held up to 2 of the 5... but it's not entirely my fault. :P )

ouch! I can imagine - I've done things like that at my job (walked one way while the person next to me was lifting or dropping something...) - I cheerfully volunteer my services to rub cream on any aching spots.. :)

oh my! the hi beams!!! :>

*grin - wink*

7:32 PM  

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