Tuesday, August 22, 2006

When in BE mode Part 2

The top 5 stories that I enjoy the most, that I have written (versus fans and friends-written tales) are:

1. The Big Babysitter - I actually sat for people like the ones in the story. Some of the ideas expressed in the story had actually happened...like the kids feeding me all sorts of stuff...and being little devious critters. :)

2. Mushroom Mushrooms Everywhere - I wrote this one, re-wrote it, lost it, then re-wrote it again and finally posted it at LADYBUMPS. I always liked the idea of magical food enhancing me. I love mushrooms so, what better "food" to make me a big girl than mushrooms.

3. Witch Cookies - again, another story taken from a real life experience or a real setting. Three old women actually lived at the corner house. They used to creep out us kids when we were little and we always called them the 3 witches. They were actually quite nice once we got to know them and were always feeding us really yummy home-made cookies. I recall their buttery peanut butter cookies being the best.

4. Night Out Again - I like stories where I put myself out in the public and then start ballooning. You will see there seem to be a lot of stories written where I am at a mall or night club or restaurant, fattening up for all to see. I love these types of stories.

5. The Royal Milk and Heliam the Nursemaid stories - ye olde fantasy settings with a ballooning young maiden. What else could you ask for?

You read these and others at LADYBUMPS. Look under HELIA or go to the link in my very first BLOG.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

When in BE mode Part 1

Someone asked me what are or would be my favorite body parts to inflate, in order of how I would inflate them, or have them inflated in a fantasy setting. (Note: I'd never actually try this without some form of suit or in a fantasy, ie, story, setting.)

1. My breasts -- I'd like them inflated larger and larger until it was hard to get through doors and they'd be knocking into people and causing all sorts of havoc.

2. My bum (behind, derriere) --With a big front end I'd also like to have a big backend to compensate. Are you wanting an hourglass figure girl, huge boobs and a huge ass tearing out of some given-up-the-ghost stretch or sweat pants. Yeah, that would be fun.

3. My belly -- that preggo look or just simply that fat look. Big boobs, big asscheeks and huge ballooned up belly. Help me, someone, help me! I am getting too big!

4. Total body -- as the entire body becomes one huge sphere, arms and legs disappear. I am ready to be rolled and squeezed in the blueberry juicer by the little Oompa Loompas. But NO, they've all gone all holiday and I am still growing, expanding! Heeeeeelp!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Breast Feeding

Kip and FBear (you know who you are, FBear) asked about breastfeeding and my augmentive surgery. First, no, the breast implants won't affect my ability to breastfeed. I need to remind you that since I was already BIG to begin with, the 'additives' to my "girls" just made them bigger, they still retain a natural look about them, just a BIGGER natural look. None of it really affected my nipples or ducs for producing milk. I am still more than capable when the time comes. Second, to answer FBear's question, yes, I do plan on breastfeeding my ten kids...hahahaha...just kidding. Truthfully, it only seems natural. I have seen my sisters do it. Even girl friends. It only makes sense. Why would I not want my child next to me doing those tender early moments, suckling from me?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Things I like to do

Someone asked me what kind of things I like to do. (Sorry if I don't write WHO the person was...I lost the email on the person who asked the specific...sorry.)

During nice weather months I looove going to the lake or the "big" lake (Lake Erie) and the beach. I am a water-person so it seems because I am mesmerized by water, waves, listening to the waves crash to shore, the lapping sound of the waves aganst the beachshore. I could sit there for hours, on a big beach towel or blanket, and look at the sparkling water and the rolling waves. I also like swimming and laying out under the hot sun and getting bronzed/honey-brown.

I also like hiking through the woods or forest, or nearby woodsy park, or along a rivers edge or along the lakeshore.

I like being outside, taking deep breaths of fresh air, enjoying the chirping birds and the flitter of the leafs in the trees on a breezy day, watching a storm come in, listening to the rain on the rooftop, feeling a warm rain against my face.

The indoorzy things I like are cuddled up under a blanket and watching tv or movies. Cooking for that special guy. Reading a book in bed (if there isn't anything else interesting to do), and just lounging around being lazy.

I enjoy dancing, though I do more free-style. I would like to learn Salsa and such. (Hi Chief!) I like being out in crowds, people watching.

My favorite alcoholic drink is wine...White Zinfandel. It makes me all floaty feeling and warm inside...and makes me get my freak on. :) (Too much puts me to sleep eventually...hahahaha)